Sunday, December 17, 2006

Some thoughts about star ferry pier incident


來來去去都得小貓三幾隻去反對,可見大多數市民都唔 care 的,傳媒也不怎麼報導。如果有幾十萬人去包圍,難道還能拆嗎?看來我不得不相信某才子的「民族 DNA」說法,中國人就是喜歡拆拆拆,是不配有古蹟的,要看去外國看好了...


本來市民唔 care,政府理應好辦事,但它大概自己心虛,於是有調虎離山、摸黑拆樓、快刀斬亂麻等行為。到星期一甚麼立法會,專家會議云云,還開個屁。這些「懶醒」戰略,使人十分反感...





據說拆卸鐘樓是為了填海建馬路以解決交通擠塞問題云云。這等廢話早有人駁斥。填了海自然要起樓, (你不是以為真的填海來起公園吧?) 起了樓自然有更多交通流量,之後交通擠塞,然後又要填海,如此循環不息... 直至維港填平了為止。那之後怎解決交通擠塞?

其實大家只要看看地圖就可以了,會展一頭突了出來,IFC 在另一邊突了出來,中間豈有不填之理?早有預謀的了...




(*: 在原文中,「弔」字被改為某粗口字)



Monday, December 04, 2006

International Conference on Junk Emails 2006

This looks like a very interesting conference. For one, it is held in Hong Kong Productivity Council, which is certainly appropriate since it relates to the productivity of everyone. Also, some talks look particularly interesting:

How AMD Opteron processor architecture well fit into Email marketing?

Poor processor designers. Do they have special instruction sets for sending spams?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


沒有甚麼值得怕的 ~ 梁立人




政 府呼籲內地淡水魚商會要理性行事,但雙方是否能達成諒解那是後話。其實內地食品超過安全標準並非一朝一夕的事,近幾十年來我們都在吃這些有毒食品,但為甚 麼現在才開始警醒,才開始害怕呢?再說,即使香港完全不再進口內地食品,難道每天十萬八萬的人進入內地,這些人所吃的食品就沒有問題了嗎?可以說,只要香 港和內地的關係切不斷,有害食品就無法根除,面對這種現實,我們只有兩種選擇:




Saturday, November 11, 2006












《 香港風格 2 ─ 消滅香港 》 胡恩威

Friday, November 10, 2006

Halfway through the algorithms module

In the classroom:

Me: Are there any questions about the assignment?
Student X: We want extension.
Me: That's not a question. Actually, some of you told me that the assignment is "too easy".
Student Y: Who's that?
Me: Yeah, who's that? Do you know? I don't remember...
Student X: (pretending to be looking around) ...


The old problem of "Find an efficient algorithm for returning the n copies of assignments to n students" arises again. Although we clearly know there is an O(n) time algorithm, in practice no one (including the teacher) like to use it and end up with the O(n^2) time algorithm.


Teaching algorithms has the advantage of you really know what you are talking about, so you don't need too much preparation, don't need to look at the screen every second, etc. The feeling of my best year of DAA teaching, where I have the freedom to say almost anything I like, seems to have come back.


However, too little preparation and relying on memory can be a problem. The lecture notes on quicksort and order statistics - I just don't remember how many bugs have been fixed during or after class. I would blame the CLRS again - I'm not fully aware that a different Partition() algorithm in its second edition affects that many things.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

DSA and Gantt charts

So, I think I have almost covered the first-year Data Structures and Algorithms part in a third-year module. (I mean, the absolutely essential part. Sorting is n log n, etc etc. They will never know what a "binary search tree" is.) Sometimes I don't really understand their math thinking. OK you don't know geometric series, or have forgotten logarithms, or never really know what is induction. But given the recurrence T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + 1, say, isn't it "immediately obvious" that T(n/2) = 2 T(n/4) + 1?

On a completely unrelated thing, in final year projects, I think I have seen 10 different spellings of "Gantt chart"...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

25th anniversary

A prospective applicant asked "when is the department established". (You see here the time of an academic staff is spent on these things.) Fully confident that not more than three people in the department could know the answer, I sent a broadcast email to ask. This led to the discovery that the department is (depending on how you count it) having its 25th anniversary. No one notice that before...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Algorithms textbooks

CLRS has been the standard algorithms textbook for quite many years. Yet in the last minute I decided not to list it as an "essential" textbook. The simple reason is that they refused to give me a free copy (or more precisely, ignored my request). The one I have is a first edition. It's a bit embarassing to fight with students to borrow the library copies, isn't it?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Debit card, issue 2

I never really forget about my personal belongings - haven't even lost a key before. (With a slight exception, that once at a US airport I left behind a bag containing passport and other important things, and walked away only to realize that after two minutes. I rushed back and it's still there. But that's the result of very insufficient sleep.) But within 1 year in UK I've lost my debit card! I think I must have left it behind after paying with it in a supermarket. And I only realize this after a few days. Actually, I felt my wallet being thinner those days, but I just thought it's because "I have no money".

Anyway, the card replacement process is quite smooth and I got my new card today. Except that when I ask the card to be sent to the university branch, they sent it to the city centre branch...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

CX 60th anniversary

CX 今年六十週年,我都同佢贈興一下。圖中所見既並唔係個別事件,我一年前就已經親眼見過(雖然唔係呢班/呢架機),之後亦聽人講過。不佢地成年都唔理個問題,任佢漏水的嗎?

Friday, September 15, 2006


ALGO'06 is in Zurich, Switzerland this year. An incomplete list of what happened:

(1) It is essentially impossible to get to a flight on time in Heathrow Terminal 4. You go early enough and they won't tell you where to check-in. Self-service check-in machines are hidden behind the fast bag drop queue, which in turn is hidden behind another queue. Before going to security you need to wait outside the airport building. And of course you know the security itself. I went to the gate at 15:52 when the flight was supposed to depart at 15:50. Of course, I could still catch the flight. Half of the people would have missed it if they didn't wait.

(2) Switzerland probably has the most expensive McDonalds among the places I have been to.

(3) As everyone knows, people don't really listen to talks. So they designed something to keep you busy.

(4) Just before my talk, someone looked at my first slide which was already shown on the screen, and asked me "Is Fxxxxxx Cxxx the wife of Andy Yao?"

(5) In a reception, some girls asked me where is the "boy" that was with me. They were referring to Txx-Wxx Lxx. When they knew that he is already a professor, they couldn't close their mouths for a few seconds.

(6) As far as I can remember, I have never been to a conference together with the professor mentioned in (5) above. I should try to do it more in the future. You just hang around with him and some girls will appear and talk to you. I mean, it never happened like this before and it couldn't be me getting more handsome, right?

(7) How many more times do the officers in passport control in London airports like to ask this: "What do you do here?" "Lecturer." "Lecturer! What do you lecture?" How could they sound like surprising when the thing is written on both the visa and the landing card? And should I say "algorithms"?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

more applications

Some more interesting applications:

1) A long, long time ago, I told you when you copy assignments, don't put the two copies consecutively into the assignment box. The same holds when you apply to universities. Even when you are applying to different departments.

2) And there is a reason why the Ig Nobel Prize in Literature 2005 is given to people in this country rather than some others.

3) Can anyone tell me how Thailand's calendar works? Is their "September" the 8th month of the year? I don't feel all that comfortable looking at something from future...

Friday, September 08, 2006

香港 vs. 烏茲別克

香港隊做乜忽然咁叻仔,竟然主客兩場都逼和烏茲別克... 雖然出線機會都係好微,但和總好過輸... 范俊業好野!

Monday, September 04, 2006

A new problem in my linux every day

I am using Linux in most of the time with my office PC, and it has just a bit too many nasty problems. Typically they come with no reason and disappear by themselves after several weeks (or months). The PCs are centrally administered and I suppose the technical support people change things every now and then and therefore problems come and go.

The newest invention is that the attachment bar in the bottom of Thunderbird becomes so thin that I can't see and click any attachment in it. And the little plus/minus sign that allows you to expand/collapse the viewing of the complete subject/from/date headers does not work. Well actually it only fails to work for mails with attachment.

Some other problems that get solved by itself included:

1) Chinese characters were displayed normally, then one day all become strange symbols, and then another day the characters came back - with a much better font!

2) Gnome refused to work properly; after the machine was up for a while then gpdf, ggv, gedit, g-whatever all cannot get started. So the very first thing I did after the machine was booted up was to open some pdf or ps files... then it would stay fine.

3) On a few occasions the clock was fast by exactly one hour. Although this one goes away easily (just a reboot).

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bank holiday

OK, I know this is bank holiday, but it is not the only bank holiday, huh? everyone is away this two weeks? The HoD, ex-HoD, ex-ex-HoD, my research mentor, teaching mentor and basically everyone directly "above" me are away...

Monday, August 21, 2006


(1) COCOON 主辦單位安排的 tour 其中一站是參觀故宮博物院。Prof. Dxxx Xxxxxxx 在某個商周時期的鼎內刻著的古代文字中,發現了一個「D」字,即場向工作人員詢問相當於今天的那一個字...

(2) 晚上的 conference banquet 變成了唱 K 大會,或者正確點說是 Dr. D X Xxx 的個人演唱會... 另有笑話指某 postdoc 靠唱歌揾到工...

Saturday, August 12, 2006



其實佢以前係我個區嘅區議員,我冇選過佢,因為佢次次都自動當選。後來唔知黐左邊條線走去空降挑戰某師奶,點知輸左。仲有人整張 banner 賀佢...

Friday, August 04, 2006


天文台次次掛風球都俾人插,但今次實在太過份,我適逢其會都要鬧埋一份。我唔知天文台風力幾強,我剩係知馬鞍山風力俾好多次八號風球都要強。唔該阿天文台台長唔好係到 X up, 自己行出去睇吓,冧左幾多棵樹,海陸空交通受幾大影響。咁既天氣點可以安全返工返學?根據佢地既解釋,「維港風力怎樣怎樣...」而家咁多高樓大廈擋晒 D 風,應該以後都唔會有八號風球...



Monday, July 24, 2006

Coming back

After surviving the heat without air conditioning, I'm on the way back. The train strike is supposed to be cancelled, but still my train is delayed somewhat. At the airport, they are overbooking and can't give me a seat until the very last minute. Just too many people are travelling in the summer... An aisle seat, it turns out.

The aircraft just waits and occasionally moves around on the runway for a whole hour before it finally takes off. But then it arrives half an hour earlier than scheduled...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The purpose of a library

I seldom go to the library here. It has practically none of the books that I want (for example, no book about online algorithms). Last time the department is soliciting book requests for the library to buy, and I managed to trick them to buy some, although they did it just a bit weirdly - now a module has more copies of a reference book stocked than the main text, and an online algorithms book with a chop "received 1998" appears when I'm absolutely sure it wasn't there before.

But this is not the point of this post. This library is among the few places in the campus to have air-conditioning. Looking forward to a 35 degrees Celsius tomorrow, the library suddenly becomes a very nice place.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

network rail

I don't know what I did wrongly, but the people at Network Rail simply don't like me and always choose to have a strike only when I need it. Last time the tube was also on strike but it was better - no one collected money for the Heathrow-London Central journey...

Monday, July 10, 2006

So it finally ended

今屆世界杯真係一個字:精采,包括:三黃一紅、批「爭」爆缸、眼底「紅卜卜」嘅 C 朗拿度對你單眼、大量演技粗糙嘅插水與痛苦表情、大陸評述員「偉大的意大利左後衛」事件、葡萄牙荷蘭表演暴力足球、瑞士十二碼全部唔入、巴夫斯排球 手...... 當然重有「施丹鐵頭功」。唔講都唔知世界杯原來係踢波嘅......

Saturday, July 01, 2006

England is out

So finally, England is out. It would be a miracle if a team like this can get the World Cup. The primary reason, of course, is Sven-Goran Eriksson:

1. Four strikers. Chose only four strikers, including one who was injured (at that time), one just recovered from injury (at that time), one who can do anything except scoring, and one Eriksson himself don't dare to use. (More about strikers below.)

2. Theo Walcott. I become more or more believed in the joke that Eriksson lost a bet with Arsene Wenger on something and therefore has to bring Walcott to Germany. If you don't dare using him, why bring him there?

3. Crouch, Lampard and the formation. There was the 4-4-2 vs. 4-5-1 issue. I don't have a problem with switching between formations; however, it switched just because of who is available and who is not.

First, people keep on saying Crouch is rubbish. In terms of scoring he is, and you better pick someone else in the first place, but given that no other strikers are there, I think he should play along Rooney. BBC showed an analysis where no England player is within 27 metres of Rooney... how can anyone play in such case? You need someone to support Rooney. And Crouch did hold the ball for some time.

Then, if you play Crouch (or anyone else in a 4-4-2) then someone from midfield get to be sacrificed. I always believe they need a holding midfielder, whoever that is. You just can't play Cole-Lampard-Gerrard-Beckham. Given that Lampard is not performing well, and the Lampard-Gerrard problem that so many people have discussed, I think Lampard should be dropped. But this is not something that Eriksson would do.

4. Penalties. "We practised penalties so much, I really don't know what more we could do about it." said Eriksson. And this completely misses the point. Penalties is not about practice. That's why they will never win a penalty shootout - they simply don't believe they can. Ironically, the only one to get the ball in is one who is least British. But this is not something that Eriksson can solve, I suppose.

Having said all that, I hope Portugal won't win the World Cup. If every team played like them - just imagine a scene where players are all covering their face, rolling on the pitch every minute. It is claimed that it has something to do with Scolari (as in Brazil 2002). I wonder what would happen if Scolari is England coach. Gerrard holding his face rolling on the pitch when he is slightly touched in his chest... so funny just to think of it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

World Cup: three second-round knockouts

The Holland-Portugal match is a shame on football. They are doing everything except playing football: kicking players, diving, rolling on the ground pretending to be injured, stealing the ball that should be given back to the other side, or simply fighting. People say the referee is crazy. I disagree. Obviously he made some wrong decisions, just as all other referees we have seen in this World Cup; but if the players are crazily fouling, there is not much you can do other than crazily giving away cards. In fact, I think he is too lenient, he should give away more cards. (Perhaps both teams should be disqualified and then England go straight into the semi-final...)

The Italy-Australia match is decided by a, well, dive again. When can they use instant-replay or other technologies to aid referee decisions? Until then, there is no way to stop players diving or acting. And stop the "wrong decisions by referee are part of the game" nonsense: so correct decisions are not part of the game? Diving, acting, fighting are part of the game?

And I just don't understand what the Swiss are doing. So they decided to play 120 minutes defensive football to hold onto a 0-0, which they did successfully, but didn't practice penalties? The first team ever to go out without conceding a goal... and refuse to kick in all 3 penalties...

Friday, June 23, 2006

World Cup: 有今生冇來世


我認為歸根究底都係因為 FIFA,每屆世界盃前都「公佈」一 d「嚴打」項目,(平時就唔理架咩?) 令 d 球證無所適從...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

meeting week

This is the week of meetings. In each such meeting, most of the teaching staff gather together for several hours, and at any point in time, 90% of people have absolutely no idea about the module or person being discussed. As usual, there are endless discussions about arbitrary adjustments of some numbers. Even worse, different people seem to be supplied with different versions of spreadsheets full of numbers, adding more confusion to what we are really talking about...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

World Cup: all teams appeared


1) 英格蘭到目前為止都仲有d 運行,繼熱身賽後再有對方幫佢入波,同組另一場仲要和埋。(不過千里達確係打得好好。)

2) 我一向都好鄙視南韓主辦賽事嘅「所作所為」,好想睇佢地今次點死,不過抽到咁嘅組,又遇著咁「強」嘅法國,話唔定又首名出線了。

3) 五隊非洲球隊幾乎全部輸晒。佢地最大嘅問題係根本就唔多想贏,行行企企咁,完全唔似輸緊,你唔知仲以為佢地兩球在手。

4) 大部份強隊都表現不錯或至少三分在手,十六強起應有頗多大戰...

Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup 2006 kick-off

去年今日,我糊裡糊塗來了這裡 interview,如果唔係,我今日就唔會係到同大家講呢番說話... (請默哀一分鐘...)

So, today is the World Cup opener. Isn't it always the defending champion play the first game? Why the host this time?

First two rounds of group games start at 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 pm... reasonably convenient time. The 5:00pm game means I have to get off work a little bit earlier...

Germany and Costa Rica together played a very entertaining game. I mean, with defence like this from both teams, attackers can wander around anywhere they like, without worrying how to get past defenders or avoid offsides.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Chief Invigilator

Perhaps they think people in CS department will not be on strike? They almost assign every exam session with CS papers to use CS staff as chief invigilator. Obviously it isn't a good idea for me is it? Last time people thought I'm a student...

Nothing important happens in today's exam session, though, except people sit wherever they like...

Monday, May 29, 2006



PS. 請勿再 forward 巴士大叔事件 給我了,我唔係你地諗得咁 out... 我成個月前已經睇過段片...
(請注意,以上 link 及其整個網站均充斥粗口,鹹野,人身攻擊,個人私隱等等,總之十八歲以下或不喜者勿入)

Friday, May 26, 2006

More bees

After a seemingly peaceful night, this morning there's no bees inside. I got out, it's raining, and I didn't see anything suspicious around the house.

In the afternoon when I returned, sky was clear; I looked at the second floor when I was still on ground floor, and - oh gee - bees flying around my flat, and in particular they seemed to get in the ventilation between the ceiling and the roof of my flat - a beehive or something inside. I was standing there looking, thinking what I should do, talking to a neighbor, and then the neighbor who's living next to me appeared (yes, the one mentioned here before). She said she has the same problem with bees, called the city council to treat them, thinking that's her problem when in fact the bees have chosen my flat. The council people told her the bees would still be mad for a few hours - although they didn't appear too mad to me; I think they are flying quite happily?

Back inside the flat, there are, well, bees. Not as many as before - yesterday's 60, today's 15, an "improvement"... I think that's because I sealed many of the spaces in the ceiling/ventilation.

So now, (1) I know where the problem is, (2) I have stopped some of their ways to get in, (3) the root of the problem is supposed to be solved. But it remains to see whether their treatment is effective. And being effective for this time does not prevent the problem re-appearing later...

And there is still a mystery. The bees inside the flat yesterday were like today's - dying. Why's that? Who treated them yesterday?

Thursday, May 25, 2006


媽呀!救命呀!!!!!!我今日一番到屋企,就見到幾十隻蜜蜂係間屋到... 我間屋明明係密室,所有窗閂埋晒... 但個假天花唔知點樣出到屋外面,佢地就係咁樣飛入黎... 唔知點解佢地大都已經死剩半條命... 但我仍然很驚,搞左一大輪先殺晒... 點解?點解?今晚訓訓下又飛幾隻入黎點算?聽日返黎又有幾多隻?我洗唔洗報警?!

仲有上兩個禮拜,我 office 窗只開一條 "lar",但還有一隻蜜蜂死都要捐入黎...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mark our work! Mark our work!

本學系今日上電視!一眾學生抗議 lecturer 罷工唔改卷,不知何故選擇在本學系對開空地集會示威...
East Midlands Today 6:30 News (video: will not remain here for too long)
BBC News (webpage)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Matrix (again)

One or two weeks ago the TV was showing the film Matrix. Then in some (Hong Kong) forum I saw people talking about the price of the ultimate Matrix collection being expensive. And then for some reason colleagues talked about movies and mentioned a bit about Matrix. Finally, yesterday I walked past the HMV; I simply felt there's something not quite right, so I decided to go in and see - and the first thing I noticed is that they are having a sale on the ultimate Matrix collection, at 19.99 pounds - that is 2 pounds a DVD!

Friday, May 05, 2006

fire drill

We had a fire drill yesterday, when "the building must be empty within 90 seconds". From this you can conclude how large the building is. But it finished equally quickly - you don't need to stand in Haking Wong podium for 20 minutes doing nothing...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A miraculous comeback

Almost, that is.

A crappy session by both at 4-4; then both have played better and Ebdon led Fu 9-7; then in third session Ebdon played so well that no one can stop anyway, but Fu was not in form and lost to 9-15. When no one expected he could make it, Marco Fu came back from 9-15 to 15-15 and marginally losing at 16-17 in the final session. Hope he plays better in the future, especially don't start to miss pots when close to reach a safe line...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Marco Fu v Ken Doherty

So Marco Fu finally got past Ken Doherty. Given that Ken Doherty is such a tactical player, this means there is now a genuine chance for Marco to win anyone. In particular the mental strength of Marco is impressive as they played very time-consuming frames, and the 19th frame is "stolen".

Now with Peter Ebdon, however, things can only be worse and reportedly (no i didn't watch it) the 4:4 tie up to now is full of crappy play...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"busy" with various things

These days I have been rather busy with things like:
1. watching Marco Fu and others playing snooker. It seems that Marco is in very good form...
2. and watching too much snooker makes me almost forget the Chelsea-Liverpool FA cup match (only realizing it 5 minutes before kick-off);
3. counting my newly-acquired (yes, again) hard-plastic pieces. It looks like I never get the complete set of pieces in the first instance whenever I get large sets off ebay;
4. looping 傷信 and 1874 (new concert version);
5. and finally on the more serious side, doing assignment. Massification. Commodification. Constructivism. Can you make sense out of these? I was very disappointed when they resolved that "staff development courses" should not be affected by the industrial action...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

An interesting MPhil application

Some time ago we received an MPhil application. That actually has nothing to do with me, but somehow it get circulated around. Based on my very limited knowledge about that area (well I did teach that, but that does not mean I know enough), I determined that the "research proposal" is cranky. (The bell starts ringing whenever you see "equations" of algorithms can be "incorporated" together. He already had an algorithm, and a "theory" of the same name. Also plans to have "month by month expansion" of algorithms.)

Then one day I was hoping to get some fun when reading the "proposal" again, and this time I googled the applicant's name. Assuming it is not a name collision, this person had written a software that is claimed to be many times faster than existing products, and hence got an award from a nearby country, and made his name on BBC, Slashdot, etc. This is followed by criticisms about the validity of the speed claim. He claimed the software would be commercialized soon, but of course it is nowhere to be seen now.

He may be a good programmer, but there are many people who are good at one thing and completely cranky on another related thing...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Fake conferences

I come across this web site on fake conferences a bit too late - just a few days before its closure, and when I want to visit it again it is already closed. I then come up with the idea of doing one myself, listing all those "prestigious" conferences that everyone knows, posting their emails with my comments. Unfortunately, someone has already done that (at least on this latest email)...

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Our department head's old April fool joke about RAE become a reality. It is as if after the RAE is scrapped the "burden" on academics will disappear. Like replacing 學能測驗 with... (what's the name?) automatically makes everyone happy. And a metrics-based system - count your papers, impact factors, acceptance rates...

(1) 質量顛倒學問不是豬牛雞鴨,不適合論斤計件,但是,行內眾所周知,眼前的學術政策恰恰就是要論斤計件:重量不重質。

(3) 皮肉顛倒我們有時會把書籍的封面叫做「書皮」,把書籍的內文叫做「書肉」。一本書的優劣,取決於書肉,而不是書皮;取決於書肉的內涵,而不是書皮上印着的出版社字號。



Sunday, April 02, 2006

April Fool's day at London

On April Fool's day I went to London. For no particular purpose. I mean, unlike in HK where you might go to some rural places in holiday, here I need to go to some place which look more like a city.

I happened to walk into the British museum, hoping to look at some stolen Chinese antiques...(?) I don't know what they are, anyway, except some... 利是封. With hello-kitty. I never thought that could be in a museum. Then I went to the Chinatown to look for some Chinese food. I ended up at a Hong-kong style 茶餐廳. I'm sure that's very Hong-kong style, not only the food but also hygiene and service. After that, I walked around, e.g. to look at the pool of ducks in front of the Buckingham place.

Silly enough, huh?

Friday, March 31, 2006

The end of teaching

So, teaching is over. Quick, er?

Here we also have module review, the equivalent of course evaluation. The different thing is that it is me to collect the completed questionaires. I just keep on wondering, why don't I throw away some bad ones and make some good ones myself. But in any case, there are too few students to make any statistical significance of the results. Is it a miracle that some Arts students find "relational algebra" and "third normal form" interesting?

Friday, March 24, 2006


據報聯合國將劃一使用簡體字。 這又使我想起:孫國父與毛主席兩大偉人,一個把外族語言拿來當國語,攪到 d 人以為唐詩宋詞以至古裝電視劇應該講「普通話」;一個發明了簡體字,以至乾炒牛河會譯成 fxxk fry cow river。短短幾十年就把中國幾千年文化廢了,對中國語言和文字的貢獻實在太大了一點 ...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

1/4 + 1/2 = ?


話說呢到有個 Game theory in Computer science 嘅 MSc course, 聽眾一般包括 Reader, Lecturer, PhD 學生, MSc 學生及 "Notetaker" 各一名。某日有條數最後係 1/4 - 1/2 + 1, 正當那 MSc 學生要開計數機,那 Lecturer (教的那個, 不是聽的那個) 忽然喝止,於是佢地只好用紙筆計數。雖然那 Lecturer 已說明係等於 1/4 + 1/2, 不過佢仍然攪了半分鐘,仲同隔離對埋,才肯定佢嘅答案: 6/8.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Prudence's visit

Yesterday Prudence came to give a talk. I believe there is a more than usual number of people in the audience, including quite some people that has never appeared in any "algorithm" talk.

The dinner was in a south Indian restaurant. While I do not particularly enjoy Indian food, I'm ok with it and the dosa taste quite good. The starter is too "plain" for me though...

I drank more than usual amount of beer in the whole day, but that has nothing to do with the talk, or the St. Patrick's day.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Algorithms course

由於最高指示下年要整個新嘅三年班 Algorithms course,我走去睇吓佢地一年班嘅課程。有一科叫做 Algorithms and data structures,內容十分別開生面,包括 Exceptions, Inheritance and Polymorphism, GUIs and event-driven programming, applets 等等。唔,三年班學 sorting...

我就唔係好認為佢地識 Inheritance and Polymorphism 呢 d 嘢。佢地好似連 variable 係有 scope 嘅都唔係好知。其實老細改革課程都好不遺餘力。例如佢地終於 compulsory 要學 semaphore, thread, socket 同 TCP/IP layers 了...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


罷工咁好玩都唔早 D 通知... 不過都係無我份... 但以下呢句野真係呢:

The AUT said many students had also shown their backing for the strike by not attending lectures and classes.


Sunday, March 05, 2006


閱報得知 N 年前就讀的小學遭殺校。據阿媽說,學校早前想聯絡我,大概都係關於呢件事咁話。其實撻我個朵出來都係無濟於事,不過如果有乜野可以幫到手嘅,我係好樂意做 的。間學校好好係講唔上,但總算係生活左幾年,留有回憶嘅地方,盡下人事都好的。其實佢地捱到今日都算係咁了,不少同學的小學早就倒閉了...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bioinformatics, English department, and matrix

話說因為別人家有急事,我早幾日幾乎被召去代課教 database,即係我教緊既嘢 ─ 不過要頂既係 MSc Bioinformatics 既。喺 LG101 混了幾年聽返嚟既幾乎有用到既一日。不過最後唔洗,於是可以繼續去教英文系學生...

不過,結果今日都係頂左一堂。同三年班學生溫習 matrix multiplication。我都唔知點解 2x2 既 matrix 乘數都可以講到四十分鐘...

Saturday, February 25, 2006


As if my research isn't bad enough, I finally got (after being here for several months) a mind-distracting machine from a colleague.

I don't really understand how they come up with this system of paying a "licence fee" to watch TV. I think we can guess how well the system is working when letters are continually delivered to the ex-tenant here (or ex-ex, or ex-ex-ex...) asking him to pay. "Sophisticated equipment" to detect whether you have a TV. Sounds quite interesting...

Monday, February 20, 2006


(1) One day I was flipping through an MSc application. It says the applicant has a term with GPA 4.0 in MIT, but clearly he has never studied outside of his third-world home country. After 5 seconds I realized that MIT stands for "Master in Information Technology"...

(2) Alan Smith:
When I looked, the leg was lying one way and my ankle
was pointing towards Hong Kong so I knew I was in
serious trouble



Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Exam meeting

We have the exam meeting today. No, I'm not going to tell you anything. Except that I possibly over-worried - our module (i.e. course) is perhaps the only one among third year modules that does not require the application of some continuous bijective mapping from a compact set to itself. These mappings are not arbitrary, e.g. they must be piecewise-linear, and have at least two fixed points, one more than the theoretical minimum. We discussed how to design mappings that optimize different objectives, e.g. the power mean of order 1, or the difference from the required statistical distribution.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Yum Cha

Today I go to Yum Cha with Thomas, his wife who is from Hong Kong, his daughter, and Rajeev.

We have it at Peking restaurant. I know it but have never been there since it is an expensive place. It looks like all staff there speak Cantonese. And for the food, it is very close to Hong Kong standards except maybe the Har Gow which tastes a bit strange.

Thomas's wife is an alumni of HKU. She lives in a very different spacetime from me: she asks "Is 黃麗松 still the vice-chancellor?" I list out all the vice-chancellors after 黃麗松, none of which known to her, and I keep on wondering "did I miss someone?"

Monday, February 06, 2006

becoming a student again

Today we have the first regular meeting of the course Postgraduate Certificate in whatever blah blah blah. I am given a student card. That's perhaps a good thing since there is no such thing called "staff card" here and I always wonder how people prove themselves to be a member of staff. And perhaps I will finally remember to purge the HKU student card, Octopus card, etc. out from my wallet.

The meeting turns out to be a discussion where participants complain about universities turning into vocational-training factories, business-oriented management of universities, taking more students and thus lowering the quality, and continental Europeans complaining the spoon-feeding system here etc etc. The instructor hopelessly, repeatedly mention something like "well that's very much a double-sided sword" etc. After all, isn't that the whole point of the course - to transform us into whatever they want us to be?

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chinese new year


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Chinese restaurant review: 東方酒樓

今日年廿九,我黎到呢間「東方酒樓」試試... 本來我諗住黎食叉燒飯,不過我見佢 buffet 都有叉燒,又有飯,咁就 buffet 把啦。


食物方面呢,都係咁上下嘅嘢,未來來去去都係 D 豬肉牛肉瓜瓜菜菜咁。比起上次,種類較少,無點心壽司,不過就好食 D ,同埋 D 春卷個樣好好多。 D 食得飽嘅炒粉麵飯反而有成四五款。D 叉燒... 好鹹。其實其他嘢都係。又其實上次個間都係。

總結黎講幾好,應該多 D 幫襯。

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Exam results

我想問吓當年 Isaac 嘅 OS 試卷平均分係幾多呢... 話唔定我可以超越 Isaac,甚至迫近當年 HB 佬嘅 Solid state...

好在我只係出咗半份卷... 不過我已經可以想像,遲 D Examiner's meeting 俾人插嘅情形:「點解同一班學生, 做人地個三題好地地,做你個三題就咁差,你點出題目架?」

Friday, January 20, 2006


So my students have their exam today. I am invigilating another exam in the same timeslot, so I don't know how they are doing it. It is not a bad thing, though, to invigilate a lot of students taking "Renaissance poetry". (You know what I mean, right?)

Talking about my own exam, I think it is a easy paper. This is to be understood together with the fact, if you don't know it, that almost all tests and quizzes I have set in the past are believed to be of reasonable difficulty by me but not so by students, and sometimes proved to be deadly.

In the days before the exam there are students troubling, of course. I particularly dislike guys who keep on asking for hints. I mean, why do you think I would give hints to you? You ain't pretty gal, huh? (And even that won't help, of course...)

But at least I was out of office for the whole day before the exam, which possibly avoided some trouble. That is to attend an introduction session of a course on postgraduate certificate in higher education, or something like that (I never remember the name). I thought only HK secondary school teachers need to take a PCEd. A year's work to come. A probation requirement. Pooh...

Monday, January 16, 2006


From here:

The death rate among aunts and grandmothers of college-age students is phenomenal, far beyond anything actuarial. It is biased toward exam time. A death in the family is the standard excuse for missing classes and examinations. Although some students are remarkably inventive in concocting stories, most are not. Faced with such an excuse, be aware that the student may be working you. These things are also cyclical. If one student gets away with it, others follow and you have a veritable epidemic among your students’ relatives.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I think I ought to advertise this conference: my ex-boss is a co-chair, and the PC members include my current boss, my PhD examiner, 4 of my co-authors, HKU-related people, and many online algorithms and scheduling algorithms experts.

And I am not submitting a paper there.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Chinese restaurant review: Flame

由於各位對我咁耐都未幫襯過呢到既中國餐館感到十分驚訝,今日 lunch 忽然諗起,於是去了幫襯一間叫 "flame (焰)" 的,自助餐,每位五鎊 (只限 weekday lunch,weekend 要九鎊)。

這間餐館位於市中心,裝修很 "in",紫色燈光(!),外表横看豎看都不像中國餐館。




最後是甜品,那西米露很啱我胃口,而諷刺地,全店最好食的似乎是那個西式的 cake。


Sunday, January 01, 2006

back to UK

I've come back to UK after this very short vacation (oops, no, should be research visit). Boarding the flight with no problems after a quick recovery from a fever the day before. For the first time, some officers appeared in the customs, although I still regret for not smuggling a lot more things...

People at tube and rail go strike causing the King's Cross St. Pancras station closed, and I need to go to the nearby King's Cross Thameslink station to take another train and involve a change in Bedford in order to get back. I have been around King's Cross for an enough number of times so that isn't much of a problem, fortunately.